[홍대] 라이브 카페 "unplugged" (언플러그드)

[홍대] 라이브 카페 "unplugged" (언플러그드)

양평에서 홍대로 이동한 뒤 인디 밴드 라이브 공연을 보러 정보를 알아보다가 들르게 된 라이브 카페!!!!!


(We moved on to the "Hong Dae" area to enjoy live performances by indie bands and we came by a live cafe named 


안타깝지만 공연은 볼 수 없었습니다.
ㅜㅜ(이 좋은 시대에 검색하면.... 문의 해보면 될것을......)

(But the problem was we were not able to experience any live music.) 

(We should've searched for more info or called the cafe to find out about a schedule before getting there I think.)

너무 늦게 갔네요.....

그래서 여러분들은 꼭 알고 가시라고
스케줄 투척!!!!

(We got there too late!! So here is the schedule; looks like shows mostly start at 7 or 8 P.M.) 

(By the way, sometimes they are offering some opportunities to the indie musicains so that they can 

showcase their newly written songs to guests there.) 

찾아가기는 어렵지 않았다..
하지만 찾기 어려움.... 번화가와 주택가 경계를 이루는 곳에 있다...

(This place is not that hard to find but it's hard for some poeple maybe.) 
(It's at the edge of the busy area, from which the residential area started.) 

공연은 볼수 없었지만
이놈들이 반겨줘서 발품값을 해주었습니다..

I failed to watch the live music but there was one thing that made all of the legwork worthwhile! 

It was two dogs that said hello to me and my wife; here is a picture of one dog called "Undori"  


한마리 더 있는데... 어디갔지......

And the other was ............... gone..... so I failed to take a picture of the other. 

한 시간가량 있다보니 여러 부류?!의 사람들이 들르는 카페였습니다.

I was there for about an hour and could see various types of people coming in and out. 

뭔가 새 곡을  쓰는것 같은 사람.....
공연하고 한 잔 하러 온 사람....
음악관련 대화른 나누는 외국인과 한국인....

One who seemed to write a new song.......
Those who came to grab a bottle of beer after finishing their stage...
a korean and some foreigners talking about music.......    


나와 우리 와이프....


Me and my wife.....

내부는 못찍겠다...
사람이 너무 많아서...

오랜만에 와이프랑 좋은 시간....

위치 투척!

But I can't say it's like a must check-out place or some but if you are sick and tired of some tourist tourist spots in Korea, you'd better check out this place (acoustic cafe unplugged). I believe this place is where you can taste some everyday lives of ordinary musicians. 


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